Farron Balanced Daily

Trump Is Preparing A Military Invasion Of Panama

Farron Cousins Season 1 Episode 412

According to reports, the Trump administration is preparing to increase the US military's presence inside the country of Panama, specifically around the Panama Canal, and he's even ordered the military to craft plans to seize the canal "by force." As of now, there appears to be no immediate plan to do so, but that could all change in the very near future. The President is hellbent on creating a new US empire, and history tells us that this never ends well for the empire. 

Like hundreds of millions of Americans, CNBC host Jim Cramer has no idea what Donald Trump is doing with the US economy. Cramer suggested this past week that Trump could actually be "manufacturing" a recession, which means that maybe he's tanking the entire economy on purpose. That honestly seems very likely, given the fact that everyone has warned him about what he's doing, but it also makes no sense because there's no motive for doing it. 

From up north in Canada to south in Mexico, and all across Europe to Australia, countries are boycotting American goods as a way to protest Donald Trump. The new President has managed to piss off just about everyone, with the exception of our enemies. Our allies now hate us, or at the very least their citizens do, and that's never good for America. We are already seeing the ramifications of this global hatred reflected in our own economy, but Trump doesn't seem to care.

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