Farron Balanced Daily
Listen to Farron Cousins' latest commentary on the news of the day.
Farron Balanced Daily
Trump Is Screwing Over His Voters And They Don't Even Realize It
The people who voted for Donald Trump in November have three choices right now: They can either remain oblivious to the fact that he's already sold them out; They can be complicit in the selling out; Or they can learn from their mistakes and not let it happen again. Trump has already backtracked on a host of campaign promises to make their lives better, and he's doubling down on policies to make their lives worse.
Elon Musk claims that he needs the H-1B visa program to bring in high-skilled workers for his companies, and has even suggested that the program could be altered to force companies to pay these people higher wages than domestic-born workers. Senator Bernie Sanders, however, is calling BS on Musk's claims, saying that he and other business leaders use the program as a form of indentured servitude to enrich corporations.
According to family members, the man who allegedly blew up the Tesla Cybertruck outside of the Trump hotel in Las Vegas this week was actually a huge Trump supporter. His uncle claims that the man was very "Pro-MAGA", so it raises a lot of questions about why he would commit this horrific act. But one thing is sure - all of the Republican talking points about this week's attacks have completely fallen apart.
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